Role Of Jigs And Fixtures In CNC Machinery

CNC machining is a method of producing matters that includes using more than one piece of equipment, each of which has a specific reason. However, there may be frequently a false impression between different equipment: the jig and the fixture. Despite their comparable roles, they offer fantastic features.

Jigs and fixtures manufacturers keep tools on the spot and guide you for the movement of repetitive operations. Fixtures, alternatively, do not use manually cutting equipment; instead, they keep the steadiness of a workpiece at a particular function, orientation, or region.

What are jigs and fixtures?

The terms jig and fixture are frequently careworn and used interchangeably, but no matter whether they share similar features, the two are functionally specific.

Jigs are reducing tools and are used in repetitive tasks such as drilling, making holes, etc. Fixtures are not cutting tools; they hold workpieces in fast and hard positions or areas.

Advantages of Jigs and Fixtures

Here are the advantages of Jigs and Fixtures machines offered by jigs and fixtures manufacturers


Jigs and fixtures reduce checking and repositioning and enhance productivity. It increases speed and reduces operation time and stress.

Interchangeability and Quality

Jigs and fixtures permit the manufacturing of many workpieces repeatably, appropriately and with uniform best and interchangeability at a competitive rate.

Skill Reduction

There is no need for the skilful setup of workpieces on a CNC machining job work in Gurgaon. Jigs and fixtures allow unskilled or semi-professional device operators to set up the workpieces and reduce hard work costs.

Cost Reduction

Higher manufacturing, reduced scrap, smooth assembly, and savings in exertions fees bring about a last discount in unit price.


In the sector of CNC production, the talk between jig vs fixture is a common source of confusion, especially for novices. This article aims to unlock the intricacies of both tools, exploring their benefits; by the end of it, you’ll have an explicit knowledge about jigs and fixtures and how to leverage them for smoother operations.


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