Things to be Kept in Mind While Repairing Jigs and Fixtures

Jigs and fixtures are crucial for CNC machining work, and there are several benefits related to their usage. Jigs and fixtures in India can be found in a wide variety of materials, each having a unique set of features. With all of the varieties available in the market, the repairing procedure remains the same.

However, the main issue arises with people not being aware of the correct method of carrying out the repair process. In order to make sure that no user faces a challenge in this task, we have shared some tips that need to be kept in mind.

Prioritize safety

Whenever the jigs and fixtures demand a repair session, the safety of each worker, along with yours, needs to be kept on top of the priority list. The overall repair process is to be carried out by keeping each and every single guideline, rule and regulation in your mind to make sure there are no mistakes.

Follow the correct specifications

Every art included in the jigs and fixtures is to be repaired in accordance with a specific guide. Doing the repairs in the same manner for all can further damage your jigs and fixtures and force you to pay to buy new ones.

Make sure that each repaired component meets its specified operating conditions

Each and every component used in jigs and fixtures has a specific role to play, and no component can be replaced with another for the same task. However, people can do the same mistakenly, thus making it crucial for the components to work at their best. Hence, it is crucial to make sure that each repaired component meets its operating conditions.

Make a record of each repair you carry out

Records of repairs for your jigs and fixtures need to be made necessarily as it can help you keep the repairs under your track.

End Words

Jigs and fixtures need to be repaired at fixed intervals, and that too by keeping the above four tips in mind. For more tips like these and premium quality jigs and fixtures, you can visit AKTech India, renowned for industrial fabrication work in Gurgaon.


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