Know about Jigs and fixtures

With the fast advancement of manufacturing technologies, consumer spending capability has increased. Due to the rising demand, producers have developed creative strategies to speed up the production of high-quality goods. The machines like vertical milling centers are very much in demand for their high tolerance for mold and fine die work.

The manufacturing company needs equipment to guarantee proper procedures are followed and a work location strategy that is simple to implement. This is done to ensure that:

  • Lower unit costs and less complexity in the assembly process
  • A substantial decrease in the massive production expenses
  • Increase the income they earn.

The industry has turned to streamlining the supply chain to maintain profitability. As a result, work-holding tools have improved and grown more affordable. These work-holding tools guarantee higher-quality products, increase output, and shorten lead times. Jigs and fixtures are two different terminologies that have developed due to the requirement for manufacturing standardized work-holding devices.

The fixture is the tool that holds the work in place while the work is being machined in a safe and securely held position, whereas the jig is the device that directs the tool.


In simple words, a jig is a tool used in machining that directs the cutting tool. The drill jig, which guides the drill so that holes can be drilled in the desired locations, is one of the most popular jigs. The use of drill jigs considerably increases the output rate. These instruments are often made of steel and aluminum and are furnished with positioning components called bushings.


A fixture, on the other hand, is a piece of machinery that securely grasps a piece of work and places it on the machine bed in the required location. The fixture dramatically reduces the time required to load, unload, and fix the workpiece, reducing the amount of time spent not producing. Fixtures are required for the three millings, turning, and grinding operations. Fixtures can use a wide range of locating components. These elements ensure that the pieces are correctly aligned and retained in place. Even some manufacturers are investigating 3D printing as a possibility for their fixtures.


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