Is CNC better than the traditional tools?

In order to understand which is better, it is important to know about CNC machines or the Computer Numerical Control machine. CNC machines basically are used to produce machined parts. With the help of CNC machines precision can be achieved by industries like aerospace, healthcare, military, and many more. Obviously, that is so far unachievable with the manual production or the traditional method based on technical expertise and you know they say “to err is human”.

Well, there are numerable differences mentioned few below:

1. Mass Production 

With the CNC machine in India, mass production is right a click away. However, the traditional methods are manual and hence require human labor. Automation gives the liberty to produce volumes round the clock which is not the case with the traditional method.  Also, these machines come with an automated cooling system that helps prevent heat damage to the machine.

2. Save labor

That’s the beauty of automation it reduces and saves human efforts. Traditionally we needed experienced technicians based on whose expertise production and output used to depend, however, with CNC it's 90% automated wherein all you need is feed instructions and designs to the computer. This saves human efforts, reduces labor cost, chances of error, and more importantly, accidents on site are immensely reduced.

3. Quality 

Parts manufactured by CNC machines are highly precise to the specification without much effort as it is software operated such parts cause less wear and tear traditionally manufactured. Such parts that have been manufactured with the help of CNC machines are more in demand.

4. No Template or Prototype required

Traditionally technicians used to chalk before machining which used to take several days. However, CNC just needs few commands to be fed before initiating mass production.

CNC Machines by Aay Kay Technologies are among the most reliable and popular machines manufactured in the country.


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