Industrial Component Manufacturer Helping Other Industries

Some of the industries are there making the product or doing the manufacturing to help other industries. Such kind of industrial manufacturing business is known as B2B business.

There we are going to talk about two different type of manufacturing that basically helps other industries.

Jigs Fixtures:

There are several of Jigs fixtures Manufacturer in India, they designed and develop various types of Jigs fixture based on the industry specific demand. The terms jigs and fixtures are used rather loosely in all modern industries. In the machine shop a jig is usually an appliance, which guides a cutting tool, while fixture is simply a device for holding the work. In the automotive industry a jig is a work holding device wherein all positions for assembly or fabrication operations are pre located, while a fixture is a work holding device which must be set in relation to the operating tools as part of the assembly or fabrication operations. In the aircraft industry the terms are synonymous and could be applied to virtually all special assembly tools.

In general a jig or a fixture is a tool whose structure is designed to hold or align component and/or tool in the manufacturing process of fabrication or assembly, so as to produce work that is interchangeable within the tolerances set by manufacturing requirements.


The pallet, typically a form of tertiary packaging, is a flat structure used as a base for the unitization of goods in the supply chain.

Pallets are used to stack, store, protect, and transport materials in the course of being handled by materials handling equipment such as forklifts, pallet jacks or conveyors, being stored in racking or bulk storage or being positioned in transport vehicles.

The wide range of Pallets provided by the pallets manufacturers, some of them are shown bellow, and the suppliers choose one of them as per the requirement.
  • Wooden Pallet
  • Press wood Pallets
  • Metal Pallets
  • Plastic Pallets
  • Corrugated Board Pallets


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