Discover a comprehensive know-how on jigs and fixtures
Well, what is your understanding of what jigs and fixtures are? Jigs and fixtures refer to specific tools found in an industrial setup. At a manufacturing console, jigs and fixtures help cut or shape equipment. These tools are also used to assemble parts of industrial equipment so that you derive a final design outlay. What is a jig? At a CNC machining facility , a jig refers to specified work tools that cut or shape workpieces. In other words, jigs refer to a range of cutting or shaping tools typically used at a manufacturing facility. You must use cutting or shaping tools to complete the manufacture of the whole piece of equipment. This can be water heaters, electrical boilers, or any other device. You find a correct spatial configuration through jigs and fixtures to get the equipment done to its precision. What refers to fixtures? These are multiple forms of cutting tools like pliers, clampers, and cutting tools. While you look at it, a cutting tool remains stationary while the...