
Showing posts from October, 2020

Jigs and Fixtures – The Need of an Hour

The world is advancing and so does man and machine relation. In this age of consumerism, industries are growing at full pace. The machine has an evident role in the industrial growth. What man used to be performing a few years back is now in the automated hands. Few machines that have brought this precision and intelligence and are widely used, have won the race. One such revolutionary concept is jigs and fixtures . Though basic but carries monstrous importance in the field of technology and industrial use. In short, to define them in simple words, Jigs is “a tool that guides the machining tool” whereas, “a fixture is a tool which firmly grips a workpiece on the machine bed accurately at the desired location.” Together they help in increasing production. A product so manufactured with their use are high in quality. It also helps in reducing the cost which is the most important advantage to industries in this age of competition. It’s a tool of capacity building. It saves both time and l

Unknown Benefits of Milling Machines

Since their inception around two hundred years back, milling machines have come a huge way. From the raw material to their designs and technologies, these machines have gone through numerous transformations making them highly beneficial and important. With advanced mechanical components like large castings, lead screws and steel cutting tools for jigs and fixtures work , make these milling machines a blessing for the manufacturers. There are basically two types of milling machines: vertical and horizontal. With advanced features, vertical milling machines offer many advantages over older designs of horizontal milling machines. Find below some of the major benefits of these machines: Improved productivity The biggest advantage of using a vertical milling centre is to easily retract the cutter with raising or lowering down the milling table. It reduces operator fatigue and helps them speed up their production. Further, the retractable quill allows the operator to easily remove the tool t